MyTech Sirena da Esterno BS-2

The outdoor siren is a new generation of professional high power acoustic siren with battery back-up and flashlight, which includes all performance and reliability for security alarm system.

-Outdoor battery back-up siren with lamp light or strobe light.

-Double housing:External-3mm plastic ABS with UV perention, internal 0.8mm metal case. -Continuous frequency modulated sound.

-Tamper protection in 3 ways -screw or cover opening or taking off housing from the wall.

-Positive and negative alarm trigger input.

-Negative trigger input to active the light only.

-Siren period can set as follow trigger or 3 min cutoff.

-Select from the lamp or xenon.

-Alarm when main power failure.

-Protecting against totally battery discharge.

-Plug terminal for easy installation.

-Environmental immunity.


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